Brain waves

It is estimated that the human brain is composed of approximately 80 billion neurons that are interconnected and interact to enable the formation of thoughts, emotions and control the behavior of the entire organism. Nerve cells use electricity to interact with each other and when they do this in groups, a synchronized electrical impulse or oscillation is called – a brain wave.


There are no good and bad brain waves. All frequencies are good and appropriate for certain states and at certain times. The brain constantly produces waves at all frequencies. Everything we do or say is arranged according to the frequencies of our brain waves, only one of which will dominate at a particular moment and situation. The frequency that dominates determines the state of consciousness.


There are several different frequencies of brain waves: beta, alpha, theta, delta and gamma, ypsilon and lambda.



BETA 14-28 Hz  ** outward attention **


Beta brain waves occur when we are awake, active, and involved in mental activities, when we think, communicate, usually including the more rational, real-oriented left hemisphere of our brain. When beta wave activity becomes very intense, our brain hemispheres become less synchronized.


Features and Benefits of the Beta State: this brainwave frequency is associated with a natural fight-or-flight response, increased concentration and alertness, improved logic, reasoning, and critical thinking.


This state of brain activity is also characterized by a feeling of anxiety, stress, scattered unfocused thoughts.



ALPHA 7-14 Hz  ** attention is turned inward **


Alpha state is a state of relaxed consciousness and is usually achieved when we close our eyes, meditate, a state between wakefulness and sleep, when we fantasize, daydream. It is a state of relaxed and meditative mind as well as a bridge between conscious and unconscious mind.


The left and right hemispheres of the brain are equally active in this condition. Intuition is expressed, creative energy is flowing, different ideas or solutions come to mind, we are more focused on ourselves than on events in the surrounding world. Then we are physically and mentally relaxed, having a liberating sense of peace, strengthening the immune system, being in a state of natural flow, remembering easier, while the ability to learn and understand grows because the mind is in a state of receptivity. While in alpha state, we are not stressed and do not worry or think negatively. People who do not perform well at this frequency will experience memory problems.


The health benefits of this condition include: reducing anxiety, relieving stress and depression, reducing chronic pain, increasing cerebral blood flow, increasing motivation, energy and happiness.


Studies show that the alpha state significantly increases the amount of hormones, namely: beta-endorphins, norepinephrine and dopamine, which are associated with feelings of expanded mental clarity, creating an internal environment for new learning and access to previously learned information and happiness.


Meditating, practicing yoga, visualizations, deep conscious breathing, and other relaxing activities can stimulate or achieve an alpha state.


THETA 4-7 Hz ** deep interior **


We are in a theta state of consciousness during deep sleep and deep meditation and prayer. Theta waves support the learning process, improve memory, subconscious data organization, intuitive thinking and meditation. Both hemispheres of the brain are synchronized so that the entire brain functions and we are in a receptive state. We can experience creativity, lucid dreaming, intuition, visions.


They have been used in meditation for centuries. In theta brain waves we are in direct contact with the subconscious mind. Since in the subconscious are all our programs, beliefs and memories that control our behavior, attitudes and decisions, in the theta state of consciousness we can make different choices and transform our subconscious. In this state our senses are withdrawn from the outside world and directed to the internal signals.


Theta waves stimulate the glands to produce and release into the bloodstream: dopamine, serotonin, endorphin, melatonin, dehydroepiandrosterone,

gamma-aminobutyric acid, catecholamines.